'' He, Who Conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.'' Confucius

 This quote describe very clearly about the control of thought by human itself. If a human control their emotion & thought according to their circumstances , then they have control over the situation . Truly said by someone, that you can not win the war against the world , if you can't win the war against your own mind . Our mind is our controlling system just like computer ,  in Computer CPU is the controlling system in the same way in human body brains is that factor which have the power and ability to control our emotion and thought process. 

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'' He, Who Conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.''  Confucius

Don't be a prisoner of your mind, be the master of your mind. Use your emotions and thought in your own way to reason & decide rather than going with the flow of your emotions. There are always give a choice to choose the one from the given situation and always remember some things in life & in every circumstances to change your attitude. We can understand this in such a way that 

Hate has four letter but so does  Love 

Enemies has seven letters but so does Friends

Lying has five letters but so does Truth

Failure has seven letters but so does Success

Cry has three letters but so does Joy

& Negativity has ten letters but so does Positivity.

           you always has a choice , So choose the better side of it by reasoning your thought with value and compare your value with universal truth/value to correct yourself.

Try  to change your attitude to see every situation and find a valuable solution . Attitude to look out every person , every circumstance , every failure is very important . If you fail to achieve your goal don't take it as  your life will end or its finish everything Take it as a new opportunity to do the same work with other perspective and way. If you judge a person , try to look their positive side and good work ,don't  focus their negativity , their failure, their appearance , always see their bright side. Try to change  your thought process. Make your thought process solution oriented and not problem focused all the time. 

There are many ways to change your attitude , and attitude will change  your personality . Personality is something that leaves an impression on people's mind. There are 8 RULES to enhance your personality. These are..

1. When you speak with someone try to see your reflection in the other person's eyes . This will make you appear more imposing.

2. When someone else is speaking , listen when you speak , make sure they listen.

3. In moment of chaos remain calm . Thanks to the clarity of your mind , you will be the winner.

4. If you are insulted , Don't get upset . Just silently look that person's eye & they will notice your power.

5. Smile with your eyes more than with your mouth.

6. Never answer immediately , take a few second & respond accurately. Silence is the biggest power.

7. Walk with your shoulders back & spine straight . That's shows comfort.

8. Speak more slowly . This is sign of confidence & assurance. 

It's very necessary to understand to take personal responsibility of every action or reaction of yourself . If you succeed in controlling your thinking, enhancing your personality, and creating a positive mindset  then you can conquer your world and be a mightiest warrior. A warrior who have the control his emotion that make him a strong version of himself.

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